
Osteopathy is an unconventional therapeutic approach based on the idea that manual manipulations of the musculoskeletal system and myofascial relaxation techniques provide relief in the area of functional impairment.

Jonathan Larribau

Jonathan Larribau

Osteopath, masseur-kinesitherapist


    Make an appointment with our osteopath

    We use various methods allowing us, after a precise balance of research of the restrictions of mobility and postural disharmonies, to reduce the articular stresses responsible for pain.
    The goal of osteopathy is to seek and correct joint, visceral or tissue dysfunction.
    The methods of the muscular chains (RPG / Busquet) resulting from the Mézières method and biomechanical researches make it possible to analyze and to deprogram certain tensions at the level of the body.
    The aim of Neuro-muscular equilibration is to act on postural tone and to lift certain mechanical dysfunctions by reflex.
    The Cupping therapy allows the decongestion as well as the stimulation of certain points of Acupuncture.

    +33 (0)6 12 18 49 43

    Make an appointment with osteopath Jonathan Larribau by phone.

    Physiological Chains Busquet

    Neuro-muscular equilibration

    Cupping therapy
